Monday, January 3, 2011

The Serenity Prayer

This is the 2nd official post to the blog. Like I said before, I don't know how often I'll write, but I do hope that you'll offer up your thoughts as you see fit. I hope you enjoy, Bo.

January 3, 2011

Welcome to the New Year, folks! It’s going to be a great one. I really believe that and told myself that on my way in to work this morning. You know, that drive in, if it is of decent length, can be a good time to reflect and pray. It is something that I’ve gotten away from in recent months, but I resolve to get back to it this year. I feel like my relationship with God has gotten a little distant lately… I mean, I know that he is still there for me, but I’m not sure that I can say the same. My mind hasn’t been where it should be lately. One of my resolutions for 2011 is to make God #1 again. I mean, he really always has been, but I know that I can do better this year. I think maybe that I’ve been taking for granted all of my blessings. This year, things will surely change. I WILL SURELY CHANGE!

Like I said a moment ago, I told myself this morning that 2011 would be a great year. I really believe that, in spite of having a less than fantastic day at work today. My lovely wife is such a positive influence on me. She reminds me that there are some things that are just flat out of my control. The only person that I can control is me. It doesn’t make it less frustrating, but it does remind me of a prayer I once learned. I’m sure that you’ve heard it yourself, although you may not have know what it was called. It is a prayer that is very dear to me, and has often times been my go-to prayer during times of stress. It is called, “The Serenity Prayer”.

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
The courage to change the things I can,
And the wisdom to know the difference.

What a great prayer that is! Don’t you agree? I mean, there really isn’t too much reason for us to get all worked up over things that we have no control over, is there? Sometimes, I forget that. This prayer helps me remember. When in doubt, pray it out!

Like I said in my first post, I don’t intend to be evangelical. I’m not a preacher. But, let’s not for one second forget who got us here. God. Wow. He’s the answer. Don’t you forget it either.

That’s one of the things that I love so much about hunting. Outside of church, there really isn’t any better way for me to get in touch with The Man. To be honest, sometimes hunting is even better than going to church. I’m not saying that I should choose hunting over the house of the Lord, I’m just saying that it is another way for me to get connected. Many, many times, I’ve found myself able to reach out to the Lord during the early dawn hours.

Have you ever seen a raccoon wake up in the morning? I have. It is an amazing thing to watch. All of a sudden, your eye is drawn to movement on a nearby limb. What is it? Well, it’s a sleepy eyed raccoon waking up from a doze. For some reason, it always reminds me of a human. Almost without fail, the first thing that raccoon will do is stretch his limbs. Then, if he hasn’t done so already, he’ll yawn. He’ll then likely lick his chops and look around a bit as if trying to decide what he should do first. It is quite the sight! I’ve seen as many as a half dozen in the same tree do this sort of thing. I don’t particularly like raccoons, but I’m always thankful that I am able to bare witness to such sights. It’s a reminder that I’m lucky to be able to do what I love. I thank God for that.

At this point, I haven’t actually created this blog yet. It is still a work in progress. If and when I do, I’ll keep these posts in the order in which I wrote them. I’d gladly write a “mission” statement for the blog… if I had one. At this time, however, I don’t. I just intend to write whatever I feel like writing. If you enjoy reading my ramblings, or even if you don’t, for that matter, I’d love to hear about it. I promise to try to take any criticism in a positive manner and I’ll do my best not to let my feelings get hurt.

As I mentioned a few days ago, bow hunting is something that I truly love, but it isn’t all that I love. In the recent past, I’ve let it take precedence over many things that should be more important to me. I’m not going to do that again. For example, my wife recently disclosed to me that she has felt neglected by me because of hunting. That is so terrible of me. I made promises and vows to love and cherish her. If she feels that way, I’m not holding up my end of the bargain. On the flip side of things, I do wish that she would better understand me and my need to hunt. I think that if we work together, as husband and wife should, we will figure this out and both be much happier. I know that I have a lot to work on to fulfill my part in this matter though. For example, I don’t need to obsess over it quite as much as I typically do. Don’t get me wrong, it is certainly something that I am passionate about, but I know that I need to be more passionate about our loving Father and my loving family. Those are things that truly matter, and in the grand scheme, hunting doesn’t. These words are coming from a hard core bow hunter. I left my home and everything I know to pursue my passion. I intend to pursue it, but I must and do acknowledge what is most important in this life. God and family are two things that you can always count on. Let’s not for a second forget about that.

Hunting is a past-time, a hobby, a passion. God, family, and love are what really matters in life. Please don’t forget that. I pray that I will always remember that. Christ our Lord, and our families and loved ones are what matter most.

It’s funny, when I started typing this post, I had no idea which direction it would head. I started off writing it about a poor day that I’d had at work and I ended it by writing about raccoons, God, and family. At some point, I’m sure that I’ll actually write a story about hunting, but for right now, this is what is on my mind. Again, I welcome your comments. Whether you are a hunter or not, I hope that your aim is true in all of the shots that you take.

God Bless, and remember to…

Accept the things that you cannot change,
Have courage to change the things that you can,
And be wise enough to know the difference!

God Bless,


The First Post

Let me preface this by saying that the first post in this blog was written a few days ago... before this actually became a blog. This evening, I've decided to go live with it. I can't say yet exaclty what this will be about or how often new material will be available. I just know that I'll write whenever I feel inspired and that I hope that I am inspired very often. I welcome you, to "The Ramblings of a Transplant Bowhunter".

December 31, 2010
10:27 PM

Well, here I go. Right now, I’m kind of thinking that “this” will become a blog of some sort…. I’m thinking of calling it, “The Ramblings of a Transplant Bowhunter”. Because, after all, that is what I am. Deep down, I’m just a man that is full of love and passion, and I’m best able to express that through my love for the outdoors. I’m a bow hunter. It is what I do, it is what I love to do. I’d say, “It is what I love,” but that would only be a partial truth. You see, I love lots of things, and bow hunting isn’t even all that close to the top of the list. Am I rambling? Hey, I did say that this would be “The Ramblings of a Transplant Bowhunter,” didn’t I?

First of all, let me say that if you’re reading this, you likely found this blog by mistake. At this point, on 12/31/10 (10:33 PM), I have no intentions of advertising this blog. If you happen to find it, I apologize in advance for subjecting you to my sometimes unintelligible mind. If you have an opinion on anything, anything at all, please feel free to leave a comment. I’m all ears and will do my best to not take anything personally.

A few sentences ago, I mentioned that bow hunting isn’t even all that close to the top of the list of things that I love to do. Please don’t take it as being that I’m not a passionate bow hunter, because, I promise you that I am one of the most passionate that you might ever meet. It is just that I’ve finally realized, at my wise old age of 30, that there are plenty more things in life to be passionate about. First and foremost is our loving father, Jesus Christ. You see, I’m a very firm believer in Christ. Without him, where would we be? Let me preface this by saying that I am in no way, shape, or form an evangelist. I’m very proud of my faith, but I do not believe that it was my calling to be a preacher. I’m not a devout student of the Bible, but I do believe in God and I do believe that he is the most important factor in my life… he should be the most important factor in all of our lives!

As I mentioned in the first paragraph, I’m not a professional writer, and I tend to ramble a bit. After all, I am a transplant bow hunter. What exactly does that mean? Well, for me, it means that I transplanted the the Midwest for my love of bow hunting. You see, I grew up in Southeast Georgia. I was fortunate enough to harvest my first deer, a whitetail doe, on December 26, 1991. Yes, I remember the exact date, because it was one of the most memorable moments of my life. In 1991, I had been a hunter for 5-6 years already. Granted, I hadn’t been toting a gun since the age of 5, but it was still a very memorable moment for me. It was the first time in my life that I was able to harvest a deer. It is a moment that I will never forget, and I will always remember to count my blessings that my wonderful father was able to share that experience with me. There isn’t much that can beat that!

So, how and why did this Georgia Cracker make his way to the great state of Missouri, you might ask? Honestly, it is from a pure, unadulterated love of the outdoors. In 2007, my friend, Chris, and I made our way to Missouri to deer hunt. Upon the first hour or so of me hunting in Missouri, I realized that I had a profound opportunity in front of me. I had the opportunity to, with no strings attached, pull up stakes and move to the Midwest. It is a decision that I have never regretted, even for a second.

Wow, it is really easy for me to get sidetracked. As I mentioned before, I tend to ramble a bit. I apologize for that. It’s who I am. Like I said in the second paragraph, bow hunting isn’t even in the top 3 of my priorities. My first priority is my obligation to God. My second obligation is to my wife. She will always be my best friend and I will always love her for that. Next, is my obligation to my beautiful children. They are what keeps me going strong!

Well, that’s all that I have for tonight.

God Bless!

Bo Parker